Frequently Asked Questions:
These are just a few of the questions we get asked. However, if you have a different question, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask. Please do not feel that any question is a “silly” one. All questions are important regarding the care of your child. You need to be comfortable about every aspect of school life and trust us, no matter what your question is, or how trivial, somebody has asked us before.
How can I enroll my child?
In order for your child to be an applicant to Toluca Crossroads Preschool and Kindergarten, we ask that the parent/guardian and the child visit the school in order to allow the child to explore and familiarize himself/herself with the new enviroment. It will allow us to determine whether our school facilities and programs fit the child’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs.
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
Where can parents park?
The school asks that parents park in front of the facility, and refrain from parking in the driveway closest to the public school. If your child attends the school next door and does not have a sibling attending Toluca Crossroads, please do not park on our driveway. It is very difficult for our current parents to drop off and pick up their child, not to mention the teachers trying to get in and out of the parking lot for their lunch breaks. Thank you for your future cooperation and understanding.
What are the daily pick-up times?
Half Day Program
2 & 3 year old classes: 12:30 pm, promptly.
4 year old class: 12:45 pm, promptly.
5 year old class: 1:30 pm, promptly.
Full Time Program
School closes at 6:00 pm, promptly.
* A charge of $1.00 per minute for children picked up past the specified times above.
Who can pick-up / drop off my child?
The Department of Social Services requires that a parent/guardian must sign their child in and out daily with a full clear legal signature (not intials). Parents/Guardians are also required to provide the time they arrived, as well as the time of departure.
A child will only be released to a person that was designated by the parents/guardians on the Identification and Emergency Form. Without written permission from the parent/guardian, the child will not be released to any other person. Please make sure that the people provided on the Identification and Emergency Form are people that we can contact locally. Please include an out-of-state relative on your list in case of any emergency.
A child will never be released to any person other than the parents/guardians and/or persons designated in the Identification and Emergency Form LIC 700, unless special arrangements have been made. Only parents/guardians or authorized people, whose names are on the Indentification and Emergency Form and who have proper picture identification, are authorized to take the child from school. Please let the individual, who is picking up your child, know that he/she will be asked to show their identification, so they do not get offended. The staff memeber will photocopy the identification and place it in your child’s file for future reference. We cannot and will not release your child to anyone who is under the age of 18.
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
What happens if I pick up my child after closing hours?
Picking up your child after 6:00 pm creates a difficult situation for everyone involved. If you know that you will be late, please try to arrange for another authorized adult to pick up your child. If no other authorized adult can pick up your child, notify the school as soon as possible so that we can reassure your child that you are on your way to pick him/her up.
If you are late picking up your child/children, you will be charged $1.00 for each minute per child that you arrive late after 6:00 pm. You are required to pay the staff member in cash at the time of pick-up.
If your child is part-time, he/she must be picked up be 12:30 pm. If your child is not picked up promptly at 12:30 pm, you will be charged $1.00 per child for each minute that you are late.
What is the school's payment policy?
Tuition is charged monthly, in advance, and is due on the 1st of each month with a grace period until the 5th. Charges not paid by the 5th of the month will be subject to a $25 late fee. We offer three different payment options (cash, check, money order). Please drop your tuition checks in the mailbox marked “TUITION” (by the sign in sheets). If the tuition is not paid by the 5th of the month, a late fee charge of $25 will be applied on a weekly basis and added to the tuition amount. Anyone falling more than two weeks behind on tuition will be asked not to bring his/her child to school until tuition is paid in full with the late fees included.
Be sure to ask for a receipt for all tuition paid in cash. Checks should be made out to Toluca Crossroads Preschool. Any check returned for insufficient funds will entail a charge of $25.00 to the parent/guardian. If there are two (2) or more checks returned with insufficient funds received within a six (6) month period, we may ask that all future tuition payments be made in cash or by money order only.
Rates change from year to year and are included on a separate rate sheet. Toluca Crossroads Preschool and Kindergarten reserves the right to increase tuition annually in order to cover numerous increases and the necessary cost of living expenses. Any change in the basic tuition rate will be given to the parents/guardians in writing thirty (30) days prior to becoming effective.
An annual registration fee is applied for the beginning of a new school year.
During the summer program, a summer camp activities fee is applied.
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
Does my family recieve a discount for having more than one child enrolled?
A sibling discount of 10% is given when two or more children have enrolled at Toluca Crossroads. This discount only applies to full-time students and pertains to the oldest child’s tuition.
What is the school's summer break policy?
One week of absence is payable at the usual rate. If your child is absent for two weeks, then one week is payable.
Absence for 4 weeks… two weeks are payable.
Absence for 5 weeks… two and a half weeks are payable.
If your child is absent for the entire summer break (eight weeks)… four weeks are payable.
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
What is the school's potty training policy?
Once your child is in the 2-year-old room, we ask you to initiate potty training at home. The 2-year-old teachers do a wonderful job at following through in our school setting. While we respect everyone’s different methods of potty training, it is the policy of the school that the child must be in pull-ups (with the side opening) until he/she is fully potty trained. Under the Toluca Crossroads policy, to be considered fully potty trained your child must go 2 weeks, consecutively, with no accidents in the school setting. We also ask you to encourage your child to start learning how to wipe him/herself as they will need to accomplish this before going to pre-k. This is for the health and safety of all the other children in the school.
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
What is the school's shoe policy?
The children take part in physical activities at school, therefore non-slip shoes are recommended. Velcro fastening makes it easier for children to be more independent. We request that the children DO NOT wear shoelaces or “
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
What do I need to provide for my child?
The parent is responsible for providing a sufficient supply of diapers, wipes, diaper creams, sunscreen, towels, weather appropriate extra clothes, and blankets. ALL THE ABOVE ITEMS MUST BE LABELED with your child’s name with a non-toxic marker or special label that must remain readable at all times. Please be mindful that as the weather changes, the parent needs to ensure that their child’s clothing is replaced for the appropriate season.
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
What do I need to provide for my child in the infant/toddler room?
Parents need to provide everything in the infant/toddler rooms, including diapers, wipes, snacks, lunch, blankets, sleep sacks, bibs, sunscreen, and weather-appropriate extra clothes. Pacifiers are welcome as long as they do not have any attachments. For the health and safety of our children, our school policy, as well as Title 22, states that ALL food items must have your child’s name and date on any food item that you bring into Toluca Crossroads Preschool. This does include milk bottles, snacks that are both brought in their original packaging and in baggies or containers (not in original packaging), and pouches. Please provide a separate water bottle for the day for your little one. The teachers will continue to refill the water throughout the day. In addition, please pick up all your child’s bottles and any food items on a daily basis (excluding dry foods that are in the original container).
We ask parents in the infant/toddler room to bring in a clear plastic container (16 qt), where we keep your child’s spare clothes, diapers, and wipes. The container is returned to the parent once the child graduates from the infant/toddler room.
* All infant food items must be cut to 1/4 inch, and all toddler food must be cut to 1/2 inch. If you do bring fruits, vegetables, pasta, hot dogs, or similar items, please know that they need to be cut and peeled accordingly by the parent.
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
What kind of food can my child bring?
Children must bring their own lunches. Please mark
Any foods that can possibly be a choking or suffocation hazard for a child are not allowed at Toluca Crossroads Preschool and Kindergarten. These foods include popcorn, whole nuts, hot dogs (unless cut into half moons or quarter moons), chicken with bones, fish with bones, spaghetti that is not cut, raw vegetables (i.e. carrots, bell pepper, celery, broccoli), grapes (unless cut and peeled), lollipops, raisins (including chocolate and yogurt coated raisins), hard candy, chunks of peanut butter, chunks of meat and cheese, dried fruit, gum.
For more information, please refer to the Parent Handbook / Agreement packet.
Is the school a nut-free facility?
Toluca Crossroads Preschool and Kindergarten is not a nut-free facility, however we do take precautions if a class has a child with a nut allergy.
Does the school provide snack?
Toluca Crossroads Preschool and Kindergarten provides two groups of nutrious snacks, including: apples, bananas, oranges, animal crackers, saltines crackers w/ cheese, pretzels, and cheerios. Snacks are provided for classes 2 years old through Kindergarten.
What is the school's illness policy?
We reserve the right to send your child home if we deem him/her contagious. If your child becomes ill during the day at school, we will isolate him/her from the classroom. We will immediately call you to come and pick up your child. We can only provide temporary care and it is critical that the child get picked up as soon as possible. Please, Please, Please have a current working number or cell phone number where we can contact you at all times. By law, we CANNOT give any medication to your child which has not been provided by/from you and accompanied with a signed Medical Form.
Please note: If your child is ill, he/she cannot come to school that day and must stay at home until the symptoms have subsided for at least 24 hours/a doctor’s note.
When is my child's rest time?
All children rest after their designated lunch time.
Can my child borrow a book?
Unfortunately we cannot allow the children to borrow any of our books due to the fact that often times they do not get returned and we do not have duplicates in the school. A wonderful alternative is to introduce your child to the library, where they can feel empowered having their own library card and introducing them to an even greater world of books.
How is my child's birthday celebrated?
If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday, you may bring a special treat. Birthday cakes or cupcakes are allowed; however, donuts, mini cupcakes, mini ice cream cones, or cookies are better suited for these occasions because they are easier to handle while still seen as a treat for kids. To make your child feel extra special on his/her special day, we ask him/her what their favorite activity is in school and we dedicate a certain amount of time to it.